Make sure your registered agent is a resident of Tennessee or has a physical street address. This address will be used as the principal address of your LLC to receive any legal documents. Most LLC formation companies also provide registered agent services. Below are two great LLC formation servi...
The main program that would apply to many of Tennessee’s resident’s would be theTennessee Valley Authority(TVA) Generation Partners Program, but you may also quality for aSmall Business Energy Loan. As always the best thing to do is to speak to a localTennessee solar installerto find all...
File the complaint in the county where you lived at the time ofseparation, or where your spouse (the respondent) currently resides. If the respondent isn’t a resident of Tennessee or is in prison, the complaint should be filed in the county where the petitioner lives. ...
For example, if a Texas resident buys a new car from a local dealership, then they'll pay6.25 percentin state sales and use taxes plus any local taxes due, although vehicle taxes you might have paid in another state can help reduce the amount due. On the other hand, someone who has b...
401.4. Nonconforming mobile homes located on single lots may be replaced with newer and/or more structurally sound mobile homes for protection of the health, welfare, and safety of the mobile home resident and surrounding property owners. 402. Off-Street Automobile Parking. Off-street automobile...