House Bill 164: Expands hands-free laws to apply to all drivers on all roads. Fine:$100, then $200. $50 but $100 if third offense; $200 if in an active school or work zone. Moving violation. “Clarifies” that teens cannot use cell phones while driving. Approved by Transportation on...
Licensing & State Laws in Tennessee Tennessee’s multi-stage licensing process allows teens to gradually gain exposure to complex driving situations, easing them into driving over an extended period of time. The learner’s permit and intermediate stages are key steps. ...
Cheapest car insurance in Tennessee for drivers with prior incidents Your car insurance rates in Tennessee will depend onmany factors, including your age, gender and the type of vehicle you drive. Additionally, your driving record has a substantial impact on the price you pay. Depending on the ...
ASPCA FAQ provides information on recognizing and reporting animal cruelty, as well as cruelty laws and how to talk to children about this important issue. ANIMAL PROTECTION SOCIETIES World Animal Netis the world's largest network of animal protection societies with over 2,000 affiliates in ...