The Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities began implementing this intensive seven-weekend program in 1993. Objectives: The lasting influence of such a training program on the advocacy practices and leadership activities of graduates once they have completed the program has not been examined; ...
Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities Cordell Hull Building, 5th Floor 425 5th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37247 (615) 532-6615 Web: Tennessee Cross-Abilities Network, Inc. (TN CAN) P. O. Box 2231 Cordova, TN 38088 (901) 756-8067; (901) 755-2576...
会议名称: 2014 Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Annual Conference 会议时间: 2014/06/24 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 ResearchGate 相似文献Drug use, educational aspirations, and work force involvement: The transition from adolescence to young adulthood ...
And despite theNational Research Council and the National Academies’ flagging of value-added assessment astoo unstable for high-stakes decisions in education … …states like Tennessee rushed to implement a federally recommended system whereby value-added growth scores would come to dominate teacher eva...
And despite the National Research Council and the National Academies’ flagging of value-added assessment as too unstable for high-stakes decisions in education … …states like Tennessee rushed to implement a federally recommended system whereby value-added growth scores would come to dominate teacher...