Dunn, Jill
"The time is right," Meadows told AFP in a phone interview. "Pay hasn't kept up with inflation. People are realizing as labor, we have a lot of power." Fain, who was elected president in March 2023 in the wake of a corruption scandal in the 89-year-old union, engineered the first...
MNEA is the latest organization to endorse Rep. Clemmons for mayor of Nashville. He has also received the endorsement of the Central Labor Council of Nashville & Middle Tennessee, the Nashville Building and Construction Trades Council, Communications Workers of America Local 3808, International Brotherh...
to make informed decisions,” Swayne said. “So not only are we able to maintain a certain level of service, but Zendesk also gives us the information upon which to continuously improve that service because we’re constantly digging through it and saying, ‘Okay, what else can we change?