Santa Cruz de Tenerife real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
Tenerife, Spain Weather Averages Based on annual weather averages for Tenerife, the best month to go for holiday is January and February. The temperature hovers around 18°c. The table below displays max and min temperature and rain data for the whole year as an average taken from last 12...
Rainfall is rare and likely to be sharp and isolated if you see any at all. This welcoming weather in Tenerife is what helps make it so popular with those after late summer breaks and even half term holidays.For those wanting to swim, the weather in Tenerife throws up various options at...
Latest weather in tfs Airport, Tenerife South Airport, Tenerife, Spain for today, tomorrow and the next 14 days. Get hourly weather up to 14 days, meteograms, radar maps, historical weather, FAQ and weather averages.
Expect 26°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 9 hours of sunshine per day in Playa de las Americas in August based on long-term weather averages. There is usually 1 day with some rainfall and 3 mm of average monthly rainfall in August. ...
Spring (March to May): Enjoy mild temperatures (average 20°C), low rainfall, and up to 8 hours of sunshine per day. This is ideal for outdoor activities without the peak season crowds. In May, Tenerife enjoys warm and pleasant weather, making it an excellent time for a holiday. Daytim...
Tenerife�s weather is pleasant year-round, with average temperatures between sixty-four and seventy-nine degrees Fahrenheit. While the months of June through August are typically dry, rainfall is at its peak between November and February. Pack lightweight clothing, beachwear, and a stout set ...
Tenerife Weather Graph Loading weather meteogram ... The island’s unique geography creates diverse microclimates; the north, enveloped in lush green landscapes, is slightly cooler and a bit wetter compared to the sun-drenched south, where sunshine is a constant companion. Rainfall is modest, ...