Tennis elbow.When you overuse your arm muscles, the tendons around your elbow can tear. This is called tennis elbow. Tenosynovitis. Here, you havetendonitisalong with theinflammationof the synovial sheath that covers the tendon. There are two types of tenosynovitis — DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis a...
(e.g. Achilles tendon, Patella tendon, tennis elbow). This biological therapy makes the body’s own healing proteins available for the effective treatment of early to moderate osteoarthritis by inhibiting further cartilage damage in the joint. 它为腱和韧带的炎症太成功地使用了 (即。 跟腱,膑骨腱...
However it could be a mild form of tendinitis. I had tendinitis myself in the elbow and the doctor prescribed a series of exercises. One of the exercises involved flexing the flexor and extensor muscle up and down, as described in the article. ...