When you tighten a muscle, the tendon pulls the bone attached to it. This causes movement. Tendons act as levers that move the bones when you tighten or relax your muscles. They transmit the force produced by muscle movement to the bones to allow movement and maintain body posture. Tendons ...
Tendons, located at each end of a muscle, attach muscle to bone. Tendons are found throughout the body, from the head and neck all the way down to the feet. The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It attaches the calf muscle to the heel bone.What is the attachment ...
Ligaments hold bones together, whiletendonshold the bone and muscle together. 韧带维持骨骼的位置, 肌腱把肌肉和骨骼接合. 互联网 My injury a couple oftendons, took months to heal. 那次受伤,腿的双腱被拉坏了, 痊愈用了数月. 互联网 Tendonsare the thick fibrous cords that attach muscle to bone...
Every muscle has a tendon on each end that attaches the muscles to the bone.Tendonsare made of thick, rubbery white tissue. Any kind of skeletal movement, from walking to lifting weights, happens because the muscle contracts, pulls on the tendon, which in turn, pulls on the bone and moves...
6.Ligaments hold bones together, while tendons hold the bone and muscle together. 韧带维持骨骼的位置, 肌腱把肌肉和骨骼接合. 7.Cramps are muscular contractions which tie the tendons into knots. 痉挛是肌肉收缩,筋缠到关节上了. 8.Things go well - until two weeks later when your tendons start ...
Another important part of foot and ankle anatomy are the tendons. Tendons are the thick cord-like structures that attach muscles to bone. They transmit the force from the muscle to the bone causing the joint to move. So as the muscle contracts, it pulls on the tendon, which in turn pulls...
Differences in bone, joint, muscle,tendon and ligamentproperties can lead to injuries that need to be managed differently. beijing.ufh.com.cn beijing.ufh.com.cn 孩子可不仅仅是“小号的成人”,其骨骼、关节、肌肉、肌腱和韧带性能的不同决定了他们所受到的损伤需要采用与成人不同的治疗方式。
a surgical sock for the bonding of tendons or for attachment of tendon to bone and muscleSILFVERSKIOELD KRISTER
14.With his right, he began to saw away at muscle, tendons, tissue-the blood painting his fingers red. 借着右手,他开始看肉、腱、组织,血把他的手指染成了红色。 「读者文摘选编」 15.Apparently I had yanked my leg back so hard during labor that I had pulled a tendon. 原来分娩时太过用力...
The flexor digitorum profundus (think profound, i.e. deep) arises from the deeper layer of the flexor muscles. The flexor pollicis longus tendon of the thumb also arises from the deeper muscle layer. The flexor digitorum superficialis (think superficial) continues the more superficial layer. ...