request a priced bill from suppliers, this option requires you to upload a list of BoQ items to the Tender for the suppliers to price Pricing of all items required – requests suppliers to price all items within the BoQ, suppliers cannot submit a proposal until the all rows are priced...
Positive style In themselves, these will not instantly win tenders. But using these methods (along with otherbest practices in this blog) you will increase your proposal and tender hit rates. Please do add your thoughts, ideas and experiences below....
ToolboxTender01-01-09 ItistheTenderer’sresponsibilitytoensurethataTenderislodgedbeforetheclosingtime.Tenders lodgedafterthestipulatedclosingtimewillbedeemedlateandwillnotbeaccepted. TheTendermustbesuppliedasasingleattachmentnomorethan1MBand20A4pagesinsize, zippedifnecessary,seeSection4.7.DocumentsmustbeWordorPDF(...