Tenchi leaves Okayama for Tokyo and goes to High School, where he meets a pretty girl named Sakuya Kumashino, and the two fall in love as the other girls try to interfere. Seasons 1 See all Creator Masaki Kajishima See all filmmakers & crew (8) Trending Become a member to see...
Sakuya Kumashiro CV: Mayumi Iizuka Guardian Pagoda Ka... Little Washu Hakubi 0 Missing Characters Note a Missing Character Similar You might also like Same Tags Same Season Similar SeriesExtra 0 0 0 0 Top 5 of Spring 1997 1997 Spring | Summer | Fall | Winter 1997 on Title Tracker Top...
Rui Aoi is a characters in Ai Tenchi Muyo!. New original characters in Ai Tenchi Muyo! are very loosely inspired by the popular Japanese folktale Momotarō. The Science Club seems to represent the monsters that plague the village. Rui Aoi is timid and co
Tenchi in Tokyo Dokuzen Tsuchida Hotsuma Kazuhito Amagasaki Matori Sadako Ikarinu Sakuya Kumashiro Tsugaru Yugi Yu-Ohki Ai Tenchi Muyo! Beni Kinojyou Hachiko Hana Saryu Momo Kawanagare Rui Aoi Touri Fueyama Ukan Kurihara Yuki Fuka Community Recent Changes New Images ...
Shin Tenchi Muyo!: Created by Masaki Kajishima. With Jennifer Darling, Julie Maddalena, Matt K. Miller, Petrea Burchard. Tenchi leaves Okayama for Tokyo and goes to High School, where he meets a pretty girl named Sakuya Kumashino, and the two fall in lov
Shin Tenchi Muyo!: Creato da Masaki Kajishima. Con Jennifer Darling, Julie Maddalena, Matt K. Miller, Petrea Burchard. Tenchi leaves Okayama for Tokyo and goes to High School, where he meets a pretty girl named Sakuya Kumashino, and the two fall in love
Yugi's Shadow: Directed by Yoshihiro Takamoto. With Jennifer Darling, Julie Maddalena, Matt K. Miller, Petrea Burchard. Yugi's evil plans near completion, and Washu and Katsuhito rush to Tokyo to warn Tenchi of the impending danger!
Shin Tenchi Muyo!: Creato da Masaki Kajishima. Con Jennifer Darling, Julie Maddalena, Matt K. Miller, Petrea Burchard. Tenchi leaves Okayama for Tokyo and goes to High School, where he meets a pretty girl named Sakuya Kumashino, and the two fall in love