Tencent Open Platform is designed with a simple, zero-threshold application creation procedure that greatly shortens the app creation and revenue stream timelines. Support policies for developers The full resource support given by the platform to developers can incubate small and medium enterprises and ...
Upload *APK Upload *Message I agree to use QQ as the active logo when registering as a developer, submitting application materials, and agreeing to the terms and conditions of the Tencent Open Platform or any other Tencent platform. I bear full legal liability for my use of the QQ logo. ...
Open Day for Family On this day, you can bring your family to work. Take your parents to eat at Tencent’s cafeteria and bring your children to the sky sports ground to play. Tencent family members' Open Day helps families understand your work better and allows them to share in the joy...
Moving forward, Tencent will continue to promote the “Global Digital Museum Open Platform Initiative” in various parts of the world to encourage cultural exchange, enhance understanding of cultural diversity, and nurture a global vision among the next generation of talents. ...
Crane is a FinOps Platform for Cloud Resource Analytics and Economics in Kubernetes clusters. The goal is not only help user to manage cloud cost easier but also ensure the quality of applications. Crane is a FinOps Certified Solution project of the FinOps Foundation. OpenKona Providing long-te...
腾讯AI开放平台 【Tencent AI open platform】. Contribute to justmd5/tencent-ai development by creating an account on GitHub.
商标名称腾讯AI开放平台 TENCENT AI OPEN PLATFORM 申请号24435375国际分类9类-科学仪器商标分类表 商标状态已注册申请日期暂无 申请人腾讯科技(深圳)有限公司查看此申请人的商标分析报告 代理机构深圳市金信启明知识产权代理有限公司查看此代理机构下的所有商标
腾讯于1998年11月成立,是一家互联网公司,通过技术丰富互联网用户的生活,助力企业数字化升级。我们的使命是“用户为本 科技向善”。Founded in 1998, Tencent is an Internet-based platform company using technology to enrich the lives of Internet users and assist