Tencent Media Lab focuses on the exploration, development, and implementation of cutting-edge technologies in the field of multimedia technology as well as responsible for the formulation of global industry standards.
Tencent Media Lab focuses on the exploration, development, and implementation of cutting-edge technologies in the field of multimedia technology as well as responsible for the formulation of global industry standards.
Tencent Media Lab focuses on the R&D of cutting-edge technologies in the field of multimedia and related areas. Industry-leading multimedia compression engine, interactive immersive media and intelligent media have been serving massive global users through Tencent Cloud, Tencent Video, Tencent Games and...
Media Lab's Smart Music combines music theory knowledge with deep learning technology to deliver intelligent music analysis, music creation, and a fusion of musical operations. The capabilities include music labeling, climax detection, music structure analysis, music transcription, singing scoring, intelli...
Free-viewpoint video is an immersive media experience in which a viewer can actively select any angle to view the action of a scene. Tencent Media Lab has designed a free-viewpoint solution called Freeview to deliver this captivating experience to devices such as mobile screens. On the mobile...
Media Lab's Video Codec SDK products deliver high-quality and low latency video encoding and decoding capabilities for multimedia workflows and services. Our flexible codec API enables efficient encoding for multiple markets such as real-time communications (RTC), video-on-demand (VOD), live video...
Tencent Media Lab focuses on the exploration, development, and implementation of cutting-edge technologies in the field of multimedia technology as well as responsible for the formulation of global industry standards.
is Tencent International Service Europe B.V., a company registered in the Netherlands. Their registered address is Gustav Mahlerplein 2, 1082 MA, Amsterdam, the Netherlands and can be contacted ateudataprotection@tencent.com. Our data protection officer can be contacted atdpo_medialab@tencent.com...
Korea Representative: Tencent Korea Yuhan Hoesa Email:dpo_medialab@tencent.com Welcome to Tencent Media Labs! This Privacy Policy explains thewhen,howandwhywhen it comes to processing of your personal information in connection with your use of our website,https://multimedia.tencent.com(the "Web...
When you submit, upload, transmit or display any data, information, media or other content in connection with your use of our services ("Your Content"), you understand and agree that: you will continue to own and be responsible for Your Content; ...