Tencent Cloud IM( Instant Messaging )providesChat APIfor apps and websites. IM integrates diverse chat capabilities such as one-to-one chat, group chat, chat room, and system notification into its SDKs and UIkit components for various platforms to help you develop your business quickly. What ...
Tencent Instant Messaging Platform腾讯即时通讯平台 这是QQ的系统程序 采纳哦
tencentIm 原生插件封装了腾讯云通信IM。云通信(Instant Messaging,IM)承载亿级 QQ 用户即时通讯技术,立志成为企业数字化转型的通信助手,为您提供全方位立体化的通信能力,让通信触达全球,智联万物。 iOS相关远程推送 如何使用远程推送 集成推送功能流程如下文所示。此过程中涉及到的 AppID 即为 Bundle Identifie,与 Yon...
亚洲最大的实时通信服务供应商,腾讯科技(深圳)有限公司,9月9在北京嘉里中心隆重宣布推出企业级实时通信产品“腾讯通”(RTX),标志着腾讯公司进军企业市场。 近年,随着网络的成熟与发展,实时通信(IM,Instant Messaging)的实时交互、资费低廉等优点正逐步受到社会各行各业的关注。个人IM软件(如:QQ、ICQ)在近几年得到了...
Founded in Shenzhen in November, 1998, Tencent is recognized as the operator of the leading Internet community in China. Tencent's instant messaging service platform, "QQ," was formally launched in Feb 1999. After years of strong business growth, on July 16, 2004, Tencent Holdings Limited (SE...
Tencent also offers a range of services such as cloud computing, advertising, FinTech, and other enterprise services to support our clients' digital transformation and business growth. Tencent has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong since 2004. ...
1.1 Instant Messaging (IM): means a comprehensive instant messaging solution provided by Tencent Cloud featuring international access, one-to-one chat, group chat, push notification, profile and Web SDK hosting, account authentication, etc., with requisite capacities of APP integration and back-end ...
1+ billion users trust Tencent Cloud Instant Messenger Tencent CloudIM Up to 90% off for first purchase, Up to 25% off for re-purchase! Purchase now Free trial +86 Send verification code I have read and agree to《Privacy Policy》and《User Agreement》 ...
亚洲最大的实时通信服务供应商,腾讯科技(深圳)有限公司,9月9在北京嘉里中心隆重宣布推出企业级实时通信产品“腾讯通”(RTX),标志着腾讯公司进军企业市场。 近年,随着网络的成熟与发展,实时通信(IM,Instant Messaging)的实时交互、资费低廉等优点正逐步受到社会各行各业的关注。个人IM软件(如:QQ、ICQ)在近几年得到了...