Project Page: arXiv: Abstract: This paper introduces Honor of Kings Arena, a reinforcement learning (RL) environment based on Honor of Kings, one of the world’s most popular games at present. Compared to other ...
This tool is developed in Tencent AI Lab. The copyright holder for this project is Tencent AI Lab. All rights reserved. About No description, website, or topics provided. Resources Readme Activity Stars 42stars Watchers 2watching Forks
The codes and models will be released at 相关模型 SimVTP 适配资源: CPU 文本视频检索 2022 SOTA! ON MSRVTT R@153.6 R@581.9 2022/11/25 11:21 参与者+7 FFHQ-UV: Normalized Facial UV-Texture Dataset for 3D Face Reconstruction We present a large-scale...
今日,腾讯AI Lab宣布将于9月底开源“Tencent ML-Images”项目,该项目由多标签图像数据集ML-Images,以及业内目前同类深度学习模型中精度最高的深度残差网络ResNet-101构成。 该项目的开源,是腾讯AI Lab在计算机视觉领域所累积的基础能力的一次释放,为人工智能领域的科研人员和工程师提供充足的高质量训练数据,及简单易...
基于 ncnn,开发者能够将深度学习算法轻松移植到手机端高效执行,开发出人工智能 APP,将 AI 带到你的指尖。 大前端 Javascript OMI:Web Components框架 查看项目 项目描述: OMI 是基于webcomponents前端跨框架框架,曾荣登GitHub上最热门的JavaScript开源项目,2018年被risingstars入选明星项目。 数据库 C/C++ 3TS:...
v2foracceleration (requires CUDA 11.8 or above)python -m pip install ninja python -m pip install git+ Install xDiTforparallel inference (It is recommended to use torch 2.4.0 and flash-attn 2.6.3)python -m pip install xfuser=...
Tencent Media Lab has released its latest codec product, a resource efficient real-time H.266/VVC decoder for x86 and ARM-based devices. The decoder can be downloaded for evaluation using a custom version of VLC Media player on Tencent's decoder GitHub page...Read More 2020-12-20 Dr. Sha...
据腾讯AI Lab介绍,“Tencent ML-Images”项目的深度学习模型,目前已在腾讯多项业务中发挥作用,如“天天快报”的图像质量评价与推荐功能。此外,腾讯AI Lab团队还将基于Tencent ML-Images的ResNet-101模型迁移到很多其他视觉任务,包括图像物体检测,图像语义分割,视频物体分割,视频物体跟踪等。近几年,腾讯项目开源...
参与编写的 Tencent AI安全的风险矩阵 终于上线啦。 腾讯AI Lab - 腾讯人工智能实验室官网 这是一份具有高实用性的AI安全技术指导框架,由腾讯两大实验室 腾讯AI Lab 和朱雀实验室 联合编纂。本报告借鉴了网络攻防领域中成熟度高、实战意义强的开源安全研究框架ATT...
This paper describes the Tencent AI Lab’s submission of the WMT 2020 shared task on chat translation in English-German. Our neural machine translation (NMT) systems are built on sentence-level, document-level, non-autoregressive (NAT) and pretrained models. We integrate a number of advanced te...