A 2019analysisfound that landlords had lawyers in 88% of L.A. County eviction cases, compared with 3% of tenants. The report was prepared by the Los Angeles Right to Counsel Coalition, whichadvocatesfor policies similar to the one before the supervisors. Supervisor Ka...
“We walk them through their rights and how to create their own package of evidence and use the right language to go in front of a judge,” said Sergio Vargas, co-director of the Los Angeles chapter of the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerme...
They were arrested in January in the village of Manlius, Onondaga County, N.Y., where they were living. The couple waived extradition, and they were transported to Arizona, arriving Feb. 9. Majda-Deibler, a doctor of optometry, was working at America's Best Contacts and Eyeglasses in Manl...
the coalition won limited victories. Although it did not get the strong rent protections it wanted, the coalition did help push a moderate rent control law (4% annual rent increase) through the Los Angeles City Council. In Los Angeles County, the coalition...