A Seattle landlord sued the city Tuesday, claiming an array of tenant protections has rendered an affordable apartment building in the Chinatown-International District so financially strappedthat it amounts to a violation of the landlord’s constitutional rights. ...
Sarah MuiAba Journal
CHAPTERVIILANDLORDANDTENANT1.INTRODUCTORYNOTE:THELEASEASCONVEYANCEANDCONTRACTWHEREABARGAINismadefor the leaseofpremises,whetherfor residentialorcommercialpurposes,on termsembodiedin a formaldocumentoflease,the lessee(at leaston entry)acquiresan estatewhichhe holdssubjectto thoseterms.Thepertinentquestionistowhat...
American Apartment Owners Association is the top landlord association offering tenant credit checks, landlord resources, a national vendor directory, etc.
American Apartment Owners Association is the top landlord association offering tenant credit checks, landlord resources, a national vendor directory, etc.
Goodman Real Estate, through a subsidiary that owns a 254-unit apartment building near Fourth Avenue South and South Jackson Street, filed the lawsuit, calling for unspecified financial damages and a change to city regulations. “Our goal is to create the highest level of quality affordable and ...
Woman Sues Landlord In Harassment Dispute; Tenant Says Her Complaints Were IgnoredBrooke A. Masters
Fighting for Marquee Law Firm Tenant, Landlord Sues Officials Over IncentivesMartha NeilAba Journal