Restricted-Access-Context tenant can use this report to see sign-ins blocked because of the tenant restrictions policy, including the identity used and the target directory ID. Sign-ins are included if the tenant setting the restriction is either the user tenant or resource tenant for the sign-...
Sign-ins are included if the tenant setting the restriction is either the user tenant or resource tenant for the sign-in.The report might contain limited information, such as target directory ID, when a user who is in a tenant other than the Restricted-Access-Context tenant signs in. In ...
You can create a tenant on MRS Manager to specify the resource usage.A tenant name has been planned. The name must not be the same as that of a role or Yarn queue that ex
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using theTenantNotFoundAuthenticateUserResult.Builder. This model distinguishes fields that arenullbecause they are unset from fields that are explicitly set tonull. This is done in the setter methods of theTenantNotFoundAuthenticateUser...
Use Set-SPOSite to override the policy for a SharePoint site or OneDrive. The valid values are: False (default) - Do not allow the Block User Info Visibility policy to be overridden for a SharePoint site or OneDrive. True - Allow the Block User Info Visibility policy to be overridden ...
Enterprise Worldwide Login
Enterprise Worldwide Login
The name is case insensitive. serviceName - The name of the API Management service. filter - Not used. context - The context to associate with this operation. Returns: paged AccessInformation list representation as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>....
Use a different IP address or leave this field empty if you do not want to use the router ID for the loopback address. Enter the appropriate information in the Interface, IP Address, Interface Profile Name and MTU fields...
You can deploy an application to a device or user. Also, you can repair, reevaluate, reinstall, or uninstall an application.Use the following steps to install an application to an on-premises device:In a browser, navigate to Microsoft Intune admin center. Select Devices > All Devices. ...