American Apartment Owners Association is the top landlord association offering tenant credit checks, landlord resources, a national vendor directory, etc.
An example of the Fair Housing Act is that a landlord would not be able to deny housing to a family with children, simply because they do not want children living in their rental. Unless the property meets an exemption (like being specifically designated asHousing for Older Persons), it wou...
This is where you can get free information about Arizona landlord and tenant law (both Arizona residential and commercial landlord and tenant law), including: forcible detainer, special detainer, eviction procedure, writ of restitution, commercial landlo
American Apartment Owners Association is the top landlord association offering tenant credit checks, landlord resources, a national vendor directory, etc.
Overview of Landlord-Tenant Laws in Arizona Arizona Residential Landlord And Tenant Act Guide Recent Law Changes Arizona law outlines bed-bug protocol:The Arizona bed-bug law applies only to apartments (single-family homes are exempt), and the law states that tenants have three business days to ...
HOME NEWS ABOUT SERVICES DOCUMENTS FAQ CONTACT More Our extensive experience enables us to advise and train our clients in a way that allows them to make informed decisions and act expeditiously when confronted with legal issues relating to rental and landlord / tenant matters. ...
Housing crisis could result in more tenant-landlord disputes | AZ Big MediaAz Big Media
Regardless of the reports ordered, be sure to comply with all federal and state laws on tenant screening as well as FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) guidelines. If in doubt, check with your locallandlord associationwhich should be happy to help instruct you on the legal aspect of screening ...
For some states there is not a form titled “X-Day Notice” (with X being the number days required for the tenant to pay the rent, cure other types of defaults, or surrender the premises to the landlord). For those states a generic form must be filled in so as to work for any not...
In all cases, anything that is applied to one unit of a property must be applied to all similar units and to all occupants. For example, a landlord can’t limit a two-bedroom unit to a couple and one child rather than allow two children, no matter what the ages and sexes of the ch...