如果夫妻持有的是受益联权共有(Joint Tenancy),但是决定离婚或分居,并且希望在过世后将财产份额留给其他受益人的话,他们是可以通过相互协商,把原本持有的受益联权共有(Joint Tenancy)改成分权共有(Tenancy in Common)。 *备注: 1)如果房屋持有者是独自拥有房屋所有权,他也可以更具自身情况将独有产权(Sole ownershi...
joint tenant 不动产共有人 tenant at will 不定期租户 statutory tenant 法定租户 sitting tenant n. 老房客,原住户 cash tenant 支付现金的租户 tenant by socage 【法】 根据停役租地法租借土地的人 tenant in common 【经】 共有人 tenant holding 佃租地 share tenant 对分(制)农, 分成(制...
Related to Joint tenant:Tenant in common,tenancy in common,Joint Tenants in Common (Law)one who holds an estate by joint tenancy. Contrassted with tenant in common. - Blackstone. See also:Joint Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. ...
必应词典为您提供jointtenant的释义,un. 共同合有者; 网络释义: 如果房地产是共同拥有;借使房地产是联合具有;联权共有;
Related to joint tenant:Tenant in common,tenancy in common,Joint Tenants in Common Joint Tenancy A type of ownership of real orPersonal Propertyby two or more persons in which each owns an undivided interest in the whole. In estate law, joint tenancy is a special form of ownership by two ...
joint tenant(s) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 词条 中文 共有人;共同保有人;共同租赁人 解释 准确地说指限定共有人〔tenants under a joint tenancy〕; 广义上也指共有人〔cotenant〕。 → joint tenancy...
Meaning of Tenant in common from wikipedia - co-tenants or joint tenants, with the latter phrase signifying a right of survivorship. Most common law jurisdictions recognize tenancies in common and...- deeds to the tenant in common and his or her spouse is signed by the tenant in common and...
joint tenant的解释是:共同合有者, 联合所有者… 该页还为英语学习者提供:joint tenant的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、中英文例句等。
joint tenant不动产共有人 cash tenant支付现金的租户 tenant by socage【法】 根据停役租地法租借土地的人 tenant in common【经】 共有人 相似单词 tenantn. 1.房客,佃户,承租人 2.〈律〉占用者,占有者 v.[T] 1.(作为租赁者)居住,工作 Life1. 生命;生存[U] ...
The meaning of COTENANT is one who is a tenant along with one or more other tenants. How to use cotenant in a sentence.