For the same reasons, we need to see a letter/bill of confirmation from your local council or a £0 bill for the dates of your tenancy to prove you have either applied your student exemption for zero council tax or that you have paid it in full. Click here for more information on ...
LANDLORD REFERENCES: Each applicant may be asked to demonstrate a pattern of meeting rental obligations, leaving prior rental properties in good condition and not having a pattern of complaints from neighbors. Applicants can have no prior evictions, and are asked to demonstrate references for positive...
Attachedphotocopiesofdocumentstomeet100ormorepointsofID.Refertolistabove. InspectedthePropertybothinternallyandexternally. CompletedalldetailsinfullontheApplicationform. Providedallcontactdetailsanddocumentationforconfirmationofincomesource. ReadandsignedthePrivacyDisclosureStatement,PrivacyConsentandMarketingConsent–seePage4...
文档标签: ASSURED SHORTHOLD TENANCY AGREEMENT 系统标签: tenancy shorthold agreement assured landlord property ASSUREDSHORTHOLDTENANCYAGREEMENT(Date)BETWEEN(TheTenants)WHEREBYlandlordlets12monthsfromstJulyto30thJunerentshallpercalendarmonth,whichEACHMONTHperperson,permonth).FirstpaymentrentduePERPERSONTOCONTRACT.Depo...