Sam Raimi's follow-up to the scariest movie of all time, The Evil Dead, is a bizaare, whacked-out horror/comedy. Bruce Campbell proves that even though there are about six people in the movie, it's a one-man show. Groovy. 3. Back to the Future Michael J. Fox shines in this am...
Scariest MoviesLooking for a movie that will make you lose sleep? A movie you'll end up watching through the gaps between your fingers? Countries with the Best FoodPasta and pizza, curry and cardamom, miso and sushi, tacos and burritos... which nation's native cuisine best suits your tast...
Pobably one of the scariest movies ever made...It really messes with your mind; one of those movies that don't scare you while you're watching it, but later, when you're trying to forget it... 9. Tapeheads This is definitly one of the cheeziest movies I've ever seen, but it...
Fame (1980) The Contenders The Shining By far the scariest movie ever made in the history of movies... No computer animation... It was the setting, the acting, the plot, and the camera angles that made this movie... Unreal. Jurassic Park This is an adventurous movie. Very good! The... brings lists based on rankings. Top 10 lists includes entertainment, life, luxury, movies, media, cars, games and best things.
I’ve become much more interested in exercise in the last year or two, but if you’re new, the gym can be one of the scariest places on the planet. Furthermore, YouTube is loaded with exercise videos, some of which give plain awful advice. ...
Part of what truly makes the film work are the four leads—Chris, JC, Cynthia, and Det. Cameron—as they are all well written and have interesting characters. They were given great dialogue to spew…but it’s Chris who takes the lead as the role of being a hero is thrust onto him....
The scariest film of2020isn’t a horror movie like the above entry, but a drama calledSound of Metal. In what is truly a disturbing first act, it portrays a drummer who abruptly starts losing his hearing, and it was filmed in such an intense, heartbreaking manner that I really felt his...
There was more terror in just hearing the radio commercial than in any moment of the Scream movies! Not only the scariest movie ever made, but also good character development and great acting, something todays horror flicks seem to forget about. 1. Godfather I&Godfather II I really think ...
Scariest MoviesLooking for a movie that will make you lose sleep? A movie you'll end up watching through the gaps between your fingers? Countries with the Best FoodPasta and pizza, curry and cardamom, miso and sushi, tacos and burritos... which nation's native cuisine best suits your tast...