2018.08.15-Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed 2018-08-15 09:41:0202:58 2020 所属专辑:童花树每日推荐绘本 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 响当当的汽水_7x ️💛💚💙💜🧡💕💞💓💗💖💘💝💟 2020-04回复赞音频列表...
(机器翻译:十只小猴子跳上床) 作者:Childs Play 出版社:Childs Play ISBN(13位):9780859537988 语种:英语 开本:32 页数:16 市场价:¥ 53.3 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 木板 九成新¥ 16.00¥ 14.080有货通知 内容简介 这是一本以经典童谣《Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed》为蓝本的洞洞书.讲述...
Ten Little Monkeys jumping on the bed,十只小猴子跳上床,Childs Play International Ltd,Childs Play International Ltd,Ten Little Monkeys
little blue and little yellow by:唐唐_Tammy 63 Here's Little Richard-Little Richard by:流行风ING 201 Ten Little Miles From Town-Various Artists by:小众style 17.9万 Little Pockets by:爱乐文教育资源 2544 Little Miss by:Ella麻麻的读书屋
预览播放中,打开优酷APP看高清完整版 10(Ten) Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed - 十只小猴子在床上跳 +追 超清画质 1 收藏 下载 分享 选集 02:53 Hickory Dickory Dock-滴答滴答钟声响 2016-09-01 03:52 10(Ten) Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed - 十只小猴子在床上跳 2016-09-01 03:42 Ede...
Ten little monkeys I had the book Ten little monkeys jumping on the bed One jump the bed bumped his head Mama called the doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed Nine little monkeys jumping on the bed One jump the bed bumped his head Mama called the doct...
Through the use of die-cutting, this large-format book tells the story of the nursery rhyme "Ten Little Monkeys". The holes in the pages are designed to draw the reader on through the book. 我来说两句 短评 ··· ( 全部1 条 ) 热门 0 有用 水草女 2020-04-09 16:00:26 记录和...
赏析:女儿3岁左右第一次接触这套猴子系列的绘本《Five Little Monkeys jumping on the bed》就超级欢乐,就一边在床上蹦一边唱。本文从10只猴子到最后1只猴子都因为在床上蹦蹦跳跳,摔下床撞伤头的故事:有趣的是医生的情绪变化从平静到不开心再到生气;妈妈一直追着医生跑,到最后精疲力尽。
"No more monkeys, Jumping on the bed." Four 4 little monkeys, Jumping on the bed. One 1 fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor, And the doctor said,"No more monkeys, Jumping on the bed." Three 3 little monkeys, ...
绘本《Ten Little Monkeys》,Child’s Play International 绘本内容 In this version of the traditional counting rhyme, illustrations and lyrics depict a doctor becoming increasingly annoyed as one monkey after another bumps his or her head while jumping on a bed, in a book that features die-cut pag...