在这种情况下,Temu的超级碗广告一方面是提醒着美国消费者别忘了还有这样一个平台能够买到便宜商品,另一方面则让Temu继续站在了风暴的中心,不论是政府、对手还会随时关注着它。 去年第一次出现在超级碗的Temu的确让人出乎意料,但再一次登上超级碗的舞台则更多展现出了其焦虑的一面。
Temu日本站的品牌slogan为“Shop Like A Billionair”(像十亿富豪一样购物),根据日本消费者反馈,目前Temu日本站的产品配送时间大约在一周左右。这一上线也可能会对本地电商日本亚马逊和日本乐天造成冲击。 Temu选择在日本作为亚洲市场的第一个落脚点,原因可能与日本距离中国较近,市场调研和物流更为便利有关。此外,作为...
Temu已经在Google Play上发布了日语版的App,品牌slogan为“Shop Like A Billionair”(像十亿富豪一样购物)。根据日本消费者反馈,目前Temu日本站点的产品配送时间大约在一周左右。这一上线也可能会对本地电商日本亚马逊和日本乐天造成冲击。 Temu选择在日本作为亚洲市场的第一个落脚点,原因可能与日本距离中国较近,市场调...
这家拼多多旗下的电商平台,从年中秘密布局到9月登陆美国,再到年底霸榜App Store,只用了短短5个月就取得了令人瞩目的成绩。根据Google Trends数据,Temu的品牌知名度在短时间内迅速攀升,甚至超过了对手Shein用了4年才达到的水平。最近,Temu还重金投放了超级碗广告,风光无限,让人不禁想起那句“Shop like a billionnai...
Temu was launched in the U.S. in September 2022. Its headquarters are in Boston and it arrived in Europe earlier this year. Its tagline is 'shop like a billionaire' but prices are certainly not aimed at the world's wealthiest people. Temu focuses on selling low-cost and...
凭借其“Shop like a Billionaire”的口号与洗脑般的配乐,Temu成功吸引到了数亿美国电视观众的注意力。其实回想一下,拼多多此次氪金行为并不意外,当年国内各大平台也都充斥着它的洗脑广告。由此,我们能看出拼多多经营Temu的决心,并非玩票性质。 据YipitData 的数据,在截至今年 1 月 29 日的一周内,Temu的GMV达到了...
Temu expanded further this year. It ran a series of ads during the Super Bowl on February 14, highlighting the platform's low prices and repeating the slogan "Shop Like a millionaire" in its commercial. The same month it entered Canada in February 2023, and the reward for inviting new use...
Temu expanded further this year. It ran a series of ads during the Super Bowl on February 14, highlighting the platform's low prices and repeating the slogan "Shop Like a millionaire" in its commercial. The same month it entered Canada in February 2023, and the reward for inviting new use...
目前,Temu日本版已经上架Google Play上,品牌slogan则沿用英语版的“Shop Like A Billionair”(像十亿富豪一样购物)。 02 “价格战”在日本行不通? 「卖家之家」观察到,与10个月前Temu在美国上线前“大张旗鼓”的招商形成鲜明对比的是,此次日本站点的上线却显得十分低调。甚至小编在询问了多位在日亲友后,多表示...
Temu's outbreak began in February 2023. Temu spent tens of millions of dollars to run 2 30-second advertisements at the US “Super Bowl” (National Football League's annual championship game), and the slogan “Shop like a Billionaire” was embedded in the minds of 100 million Americans. ...