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(September 2022), Canada (February 2023), Australia and New Zealand (March 2023), France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK (all in April 2023). TEMU’s 2023 marketing budget is, reportedly, up to over...
I've shopped on Temu a couple of times now, but only for random gifts where I felt like getting a lot of bang for my buck while purchasing a random assortment of treasures for kids. I had a positive experience with both purchases, but I can't imagine using Temu 3x a month for norm...
In the world of online shopping, two platforms have recently captured the attention of budget-conscious consumers: Temu and Shein. Both have gained popularity for offering a wide range of affordable products, from fashion to home goods. However, their pricing strategies differ ...
Don’t forget aboutCashback shopping rules (3.91)Average rating of the store Waiting time for crediting cashback Cashback will appear in your account with "Pending" status within3 days Cashback is confirmed and credited within60 - 100 days ...