Eight: learn how to meet temptation. As we have already learned, temptation is natural. Temptation is not sin. It is yielding that is sin. God never brings temptation to us. He allows it to test us. It is the work of the devil. Recognize it as such. One way to meet temptation is ...
5 Bible Verse Books: Forgiveness, Who is Jesus, Sin and Temptation, Holy Spirit, and HealingTony Alexander
Luke 4:1 tn“River” is not in the Greek text but is supplied for clarity. Luke 4:1 sn The double mention of the Spirit in this verse makes it clear that the temptation was neither the fault of Jesus nor an accident. Luke 4:1 tc Most mss (A Θ Ξ Ψ 0102 ƒ1,13 33 M lat...
I’m not talking about the fleeting, seemingly benign thought of sin that may hold initial allure but is easily dismissed. (Though we should be on guard against these kinds of thoughts, too).No, I’m talking about that moment when you’ve savored the juicy morsel and like the taste. Yo...
“One measure of the greatness of a man is not only that he practices what he preaches, but also that he doesn’t consider himself above the ordinary means of grace that all Christians need.”—John Piper “Beware of idleness—satan sows most of his seed in fallow ground.”—Thomas Watso...
is a liar, denying that there is a penalty for sin (seeJohn 8:44).snSurely you will not die. Here the serpent is more aware of what theLordGod said than the woman was; he simply adds a blatant negation to what God said. In the account of Jesus’ temptation Jesus is victorious ...
Having a right to do something is not the same thing as exercising that right responsibly. Spiritual perspective on sexual culture Men are not all rapists or car thieves but who could claim never to act badly whatever the circumstances one finds oneself in? In saying their Lord’s prayer, ...
verse (5:29), also attributed to Jesus, says that “If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away. . . .” Biblical interpreters sometimes have suggested that since 5:29 is not to be taken literally, then 5:28 is also an exaggeration designed to make a ...
(1.) Negatively: Lead us not into temptation. Having prayed that the guilt of sin may be removed, we pray, as it is fit, that we may never return again to folly, that we may not be tempted to it. It is not as if God tempted any to sin; but, "Lord, do not let Satan loose...
evil thoughts into our mind, but we can push them right out again with God's help. I've always appreciated a saying attributed to Martin Luther: "You can't help it if a bird flies over your head, but you don't need to let him make a nest in your hair." Temptation is not sin...