The film tells the story of Michelle, who is enjoying a peaceful retirement in a charming Burgundy village near her longtime friend Marie-Claude. She eagerly anticipates her grandson Lucas spending the school vacation with her, but things don’t go as planned. Feeling lonely, Michelle loses her...
Twenty healthy adult New Zealand white male rabbits were used for the study. All the rabbits were of the same age, with a weight range of 2–2.5 kg. They were housed in a well-ventilated animal house Propolis, a resinous wax-like, beehive product is collected by honey bees from plant ...
April 2017 DOI: 10.5455/ajvs.261689 Anatomical Investigation of the Portal Vein in the Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Samah H. El-Bably Anatomy and Embryology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University Key words: Rabbits; Venous drainage; Portal vein; gastrointestinal tract. Correspondence to:...
Daziel JM. In: The useful plants of West Tropical Africa Crown Agents for the colonies London 1948; pp. 612. 2. Skyes WR. Contribution to the flora of Niue. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Bulletin 1970; 200pp . 192 3. Smith AC. FloraVitiensis nova: A new...
Materials and methods The present study was carried out during the period between April, 2008 and, March 2010 in the department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary MedicineAssiut University. a) Collection of samples: A total of 240 random raw milk samples were collected from cows, buffaloes,...
20 indicators in monthly frequency which covers April 2007 – June 2015 period were used in this index. This period was selected since it includes expansion, crisis and recovery periods for global and Turkish economy. In this study, a new index results were calculated and evaluated by using ...
Gener- ation Healthcare Sector in Republic of Croatia (Abstract), Proceedings of the International Joint Meeting Eu- roMISE2004, session "SatelliteWork- shop on RTD Potential in Central and Eastern Europe for Building Infor- mation Society in Healthcare", April 2004, Prague, Czech Republic 7. ...