doi:10.1093/fmls/cqm143NoneForum for Modern Language Studies
Toutes les actions et cotations actions en temps réel, toutes les actualités. financières, boursières et économiques. Bourse de Paris
This article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )doi:10.1111/1095-9270.12050_10Pulak, CemalInternational Journal of Nautical Archaeology
An energy band between 75 and 100 MeV is predicted as to be inaccessible for all particles at rest. The solution of the tunnel effect is given in the framework of our theory.Robert Lacroixcanadian journal of physics
This is an internal analysis, both chronological and thematic, of the conception of time in Simone Weil's works. We have divided her writing in four periods of time (the 1st one, from 1925 to 1931; the 2nd one, from 1931 to 1936; the 3rd one, from 1936 to 1939; and the 4th one...