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Application of the New York Convention in India Forty–five independent states were represented at the Conference of Plenipotentiaries held in New York in June 1958 to conclude the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. India's representative was ele... FS Nariman...
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Some time ago it was difficult to imagine this, but today it is a reality. We are talking about the ability to buy a Japanese phone number in a couple of clicks. Now any Internet user has access to all the benefits of registering in online services using mobile operators of Japan. If ...
India and the Convention on Temporary Duty-Free Admission of GoodsKwatra, G.K
The flow rate was set to 0.5 mL/min and the mobile phase consisted of water with o-phosphoric acid (0.01%) as solvent A and acetonitrile with o-phos- phoric acid (0.01%) as solvent B. The binary gradient elu- tion was: 80–100% A (0–15 min., linear gradient), 100% A ...
Non-Immigrant US Visa Types Nonimmigrant visas are divided into many categories, about 30+, based on their purpose. Each of them has a letter and sometimes a number tied to them like H-1B, B-1, CW-1, etc. When you plan to travel to the US, you need to choose one of the below...
As per IRCC, temporary residents in Canada will now have until August 31, 2021, to apply for restoring their residency status in Canada.