We're very excited to announce our brand-new open source upscaling technique: FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0! FSR 2.0 is the result of years of research from AMD, and is developed from the ground up. It uses cutting-edge temporal algorithms to reconstruct fine geometric and texture detail in...
bringing an even bigger knife to the fight against Nvidia's proprietary DLSS technology.Version 2.1 of FSR delivers a number of performance and visual quality improvementsto the FSR 2.0 package, with improvements to some of its more glaring issues, such ...
FSR 2.0 性能档(FHD升采样到4K,按照一代帧数在3倍左右)由于新的时间向量的加入和AMD的锐化算法导致这个对比图看起来比原生4K都清楚。。。 同时AMD官方还说2.0比1.0提升帧数还猛。。。 我麻了。。。 图源 链接 发布于 2022-03-20 01:54 5 人喜欢 ...