Temporal lobe anatomy: eight imaging signs to facilitate interpretation of MRICollateral sulcusFusiform gyrusHeschl gyrusLateral occipitotemporal gyrusOccipitotemporal sulcusParahippocampal gyrusThe temporal lobe is anatomically and functionally complex. However, relatively few radiologic signs are described to ...
Functional Anatomy of the Brain Krishnagopal Dharani, in The Biology of Thought, 2015 Temporal Lobe The temporal lobe is situated below the parietal lobe, beneath the lateral fissure and nearer the base of brain. Along with the frontal lobe, the temporal lobe is greatly expanded in humans, sig...
sciencedirect temporal lobe temporal lobe: this lobe is located on the inferior and lateral part of cerebral hemispheres, including the superior, middle, and inferior temporal lobes, as well as the sulci between them. explore on sciencedirect opens in new tab/window complete anatomy the world's...
Kiernan JA (2012): Anatomy of the temporal lobe. Epilepsy Res Treat 2012:176157.Kiernan, J.A., 2012. Anatomy of the temporal lobe. Epilepsy Res. Treat. 2012 (176157). http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/176157 (PubMed PMID: 22934160; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3420617)....
Depending on the specific anatomy of the vein of Labbe, it may need to be dissected along its course to avoid injury during temporal lobe exposure. The superior petrosal sinus is coagulated or ligated and then transected. The tentorium incision is extended parallel to the pyramid toward the ...
(Anatomy) either of two compound bones forming part of the sides and base of the skull: they surround the organs of hearing Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
来源会议 39th Annual Meeting of the Child-Neurology-Society 2010/01/01 研究点推荐 Hippocampal Internal Anatomy Ultrahigh Field MRI ultrahigh-field-strength magnetic resonance (MR) imaging subregional hippocampal alterations Non-Lesional Temporal Lobe Epilepsy 0...
Surgical anatomy of the temporal lobe The complex functional and anatomic relationships between the structures in and around the temporal lobe are central to the problem of intractable partial complex seizures. Resecting those areas that are responsible for seizures and prot... SN Roper,RA Jr - 《...
A Case of Apert Syndrome: Early Detection of Temporal Lobe Abnormalities and Scalp Cyst in Fetal Brain MRI Introduction: Apert Syndrome is one of the severe forms of craniosynostosis syndromes. Here we present the first case of 20 weeks fetus with temporal lobe ... AR Tahmasebpour,B Moradi,MA...
However, this task is formidable because of the detailed anatomy of the medial temporal lobe, the difficulties in obtaining high quality diffusion images of adequate resolution, and challenges in diffusion data processing. Moreover, it is unclear if any differences will be significant for an ...