2024 KDD( ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 知识发现和数据挖掘会议)在2024年8月25日-29日在西班牙巴塞罗那举行。 本文总结了KDD2024有关时空数据(Spatial-temporal) 的相关论文,如有疏漏,欢迎大家补充。 时空数据Topic:时空(交通)预测,插补,气象预测,轨迹生成,预测,异常检测,信控优化...
Spatial Databases and Data Management 空间数据库与数据管理 Applied Machine Learning 应用机器学习 Mining Social and Geographic Datasets 社会和地理数据集挖掘 Sensors and Location 传感器和位置 Urban Simulation 城市模拟 Web and Mobile GIS - Apps and Programming 网络和移动地理信息系统-应用程序和编程 03 必修...
2024 KDD( ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 知识发现和数据挖掘会议)在2024年8月25日-29日在西班牙巴塞罗那举行。 时空探索之旅 2024/11/19 1660 KDD 2023 | 时空数据(Spatial-Temporal)ADS论文总结 强化学习adsspatial论文数据 ADS Track(Applied Data Science,应用数据科学赛道)接收...
5 STD-PLM: Understanding Both Spatial and Temporal Properties of SpatialTemporal Data with PLM 链接:arxiv.org/abs/2407.09096 作者:YiHeng Huang,Xiaowei Mao,Shengnan Guo,Yubin Chen,Junfeng Shen,Tiankuo Li,Youfang Lin,Huaiyu Wan 关键词:大模型,交通预测,插补 6 UniTR: A Unified Framework for Joint...
However, understanding the manner in which developed regions change over time and space can be of great importance for transportation researchers and planners. In this paper, methodologies for modeling developed areas are developed while incorporating spatial and temporal effects of the data. The work ...
Applied Spatial and Spatiotemporal Analysis(应用空间和时空分析)Applied Spatiotemporal Data Mining时空数据挖掘 课程描述随着地理信息科学和地理空间技术的不断进步,空间参考信息在过去几十年中变得越来越容易获得,并成为科学研究和决策过程中的重要信息源。为了有效地利用丰富的空间(和时间)数据,通常需要进行统计分析,...
However, the spatial patterns of these stressors are varied and the amount of recent change is largely unknown. In many places, we know little about which stressors are having the biggest impact on ecosystem condition, their cumulative effect or how the composition of pressures is changing over...
been developed from different perspectives, and converged as fruitful fields of geographic information science (GIScience) and spatial statistics. The purpose of this class is to present the commonly used methods and current trends in spatial and spatiotemporal data analysis, and innovative applications...
This is in contrast to its application in the fields applicable to spatial or spatio-temporal discovery which possess a rich history of methodological discovery and result evaluation. Examples of the former include market basket analysis which, in its simplest form, (q.v. (Agrawal, Imielinski ...
2 LISA: Learning-Integrated Space Partitioning Framework for Traffic Accident Forecasting on Heterogeneous Spatiotemporal Data 作者:Bang An, Xun Zhou, Amin Khezerlou, Nick Street, Jinping Guan, and Jun Luo 关键词:事故预测,Spatialtemporal Data Mining, Traffic Accident Forecasting 3 Align Along Time ...