12,538 SUPPORT Partner Supported TRUST SIGNALS Cloud Security Participant Overview Reviews Pricing Privacy & Security Support Installation Key highlights of the appTempo Time Tracking: Integrate Agile Jira Time Tracking, Invoicing, & Reporting into Your Workflow ...
Configuration options include filter, group by field, & additional Jira fields. Why is Time Tracking important for Jira? To manage projects successfully requires monitoring resources, including time. Time Tracker helps: -Establish accurate schedules by comparing previous project timeli...
Visualize all your Jira data & manage portfolios of projects in real-time.Learn more Timesheets Tempo’s intuitive automation and Jira-native design make it the most trusted time tracking tool for enterprise organization. Learn more Capacity Planner A powerful team resource management tool designed to...
JIRA是敏捷开发的项目管理和协作的一种工具,由Atlassian公司开发,此处不赘述,想要详细了解,请点击官网: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/ 下图中的这个小工具就是我们今天的主角啦~ 在敏捷项目中亲身经历的各位小伙伴都应该知道“登记日志”是个什么事啦~“登记日志”又叫“Log Time”,是项目开展过程中,对于项...
When a customer migrates projects from Jira Server / Data Centre to Jira Cloud using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant, the app migration platform will coordinate with Tempo to automatically move Tempo Time Timesheets-Time Tracking & Reports data associated with the migrated projects. Workar...
When a customer migrates projects from Jira Server / Data Centre to Jira Cloud using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant, the app migration platform will coordinate with Tempo to automatically move Tempo Time Timesheets-Time Tracking & Reports data associated with the migrated projects. Workaround Whi...
There are many time-tracking applications. The main ones are as follows: Built-in functionality from Jira. Easy to use, but not very flexible. All you need to keep track of time is to enter it in the required field. Timesheets by Tempo - Jira Time Tracking. Probably the most popula...
Visualize project plans and roadmaps with a Gantt chart extension for JiraLearn more Timesheets Tempo’s intuitive automation and Jira-native design make it the most trusted time tracking tool for enterprise organization. Learn more Capacity Planner A powerful team resource management tool designed to...
Tempo specializes in project, product, and portfolio management software within Jira. The company offers tools, including strategic roadmaps, timesheets for time tracking, and capacity planning solutions for resource allocation and monitoring progress. Tempo's products cater to various sectors, providing ...
TimeWise工时App是一款基于Jira的工时管理工具,由龙智数码基于多年的现场实践结合国内客户的需求设计研发的。 TimeWise可以无缝链接Jira,用于统计工时,追踪项目进度。 任何部门、任何项目,都可以利用TimeWise让Jira用户便捷地填写项目计划、计划和实际工时以及日志。