Define tempo. tempo synonyms, tempo pronunciation, tempo translation, English dictionary definition of tempo. n. pl. tem·pos or tem·pi 1. Music The speed at which music is or ought to be played, often indicated on written compositions by a descriptive
Note also that the word speed has a special meaning when applied to speech tempo, referring to frequency of repetion measured as the number of units (words, morphemes, syllables, phonemes, gestures etc.) in a period of time. It does...
The wealth of literature on TPJ function spans sensory, cognitive, emotional, social and motor domains, reflecting involvement in processes that contribute to our experience of both the external material world, derived through automatic awareness of sensory feedback; and the internal mental world, defi...
In this section, I show you how to form singular and plural questions in eachtense. Literature La banale verità dell'affermazione la disarmò, come pure il ritorno a untempo verbalepiù carico di speranza. The plain truth of this disarmed her, as did the reversion to a more hopefultense...
Last, we assigned (a) the gamma-Dirichlet prior for the overall substitution rate (option rgene_gamma) as G(1, 12.5), with a mean of 0.08 (meaning 8 × 10−10 amino acid substitutions per site per year), (b) the gamma-Dirichlet prior for the rate-drift parameter (option sigma2 ...
is discipline — the unrelenting drive to construct a monstrously elaborated monument whose status as an instant masterpiece is simply not left to dispute; the cold and inexhaustible, almost pathological drive to manifest the unrivaled prowess in literature talent in order to self-immortalize in an ...
The meanings of work literature has shown that in recent decades there have been significant changes in youth's orientations towards work, that is on the one hand a loss of centrality of work and on the other a pluralization of the meanings young people give it. Based ...
In other words, it is promoting the liberalisation of redundancies andfixed-term contracts. Europarl8 b) i lavoratori concontratto a tempo determinatoai sensi della direttiva 1999/70/CE; (b) workers with afixed-term contractwithin the meaning of Directive 1999/70/EC; ...
2. The finding that changes in the functional connectivity of aPFC is associated with lucid dream frequency is therefore consistent with a large literature linking this region to metacognitive functions, including the evaluation of one’s thoughts and feelings21,42and variance in the capacity to ...
So far so good! The problem is that an example that runs throughout the literature, going back to Heim and serving as the first example in Bade’s overview, is (2a) #A father of the victim arrived at the crime scene. Bade explains that since (2a) does not presuppose that the victim...