The meaning of TEMPO is the rate of speed of a musical piece or passage indicated by one of a series of directions (such as largo, presto, or allegro) and often by an exact metronome marking. How to use tempo in a sentence.
Symphony:交响曲古典时期发展出来的重要曲种,其实就是管弦乐奏鸣曲,通常由四个乐章(也有三个或五个的)组成的大型管弦乐曲,有时也会加入声乐。 Tempo:速度意大利文时间的意思,泛指乐曲演奏时的速度,常见的有:Largo(宽广的),Adagio(缓慢的),Moderato(中庸速度),Andante(行板),Allegro(欢乐的快板)和Presto(非常快)。
Largo (40-60 BPM): Broad and slow Adagio (60-80 BPM): Slow and stately Andante (80-100 BPM): At a walking pace Moderato (100-120 BPM): Moderate speed Allegro (120-150 BPM): Fast and lively Vivace (150-180 BPM): Very fast and lively Presto (180-210 BPM): Extremely fast Prestis...
3. Largo: broadly. Broadly can mean many things, and it most certainly can be applied to a larger scope of phrasing. In the case of tempo markings, ‘largo’ is just a bit faster than ‘lento’. 4. Adagio: stately. When something is ‘adagio’, one expects to be at ease. An ‘a...
Largo –broadly (40–60 bpm) Lento –slowly (45–60 bpm) Larghetto –rather broadly (60–66 bpm) Adagio –slowly with great expression (66–76 bpm) Adagietto –slower than andante (72–76 bpm) or slightly faster than adagio (70–80 bpm) Andante –at a walking pace (76–108 bpm) An...
Allegro 快板 Grave 庄板 Larghetto 小广板 Largo 广板 Lento 慢板 Moderato 中板 Prestissimo 最急板 Presto 急板 a tempo 回原速 in tempo 按原速 accelerato 加快的 accel 加快的,accelerado的缩写 con moto 稍快的 Doppio movimento 加倍快 molto mosso 很快的 memo mosso 稍慢 molto rit ...
Largo – broadly (50–55 BPM) Larghetto – rather broadly (55–60 BPM) Adagio – slow and stately (literally, "at ease") (60–72 BPM) Adagietto – slower than andante (72–80 BPM) Andantino – slightly slower than andante (although in some cases it can be taken to mean slightly fast...
4. Adagio:Adagio 代表的是音樂中的一個非常緩慢的節奏,一般在 40-60 bpm 之间,通常用“Adagio”或“Largo”来表示。 5. Allegretto:Allegretto 是一种比 Allegro 稍慢的节奏,一般在 100-120 bpm 之间,通常用“Allegretto”或“Allegro moderato”来表示。 6. Allegro:Allegro 是指快速的、活泼的節奏,一般在 ...
Lento and lent mean a slow tempo in between largo and andante. Maestoso Majestic and dignified. Meno Less. Often used with other terms such as meno mosso (less rapid or less motion) Moderato Moderate. Play at a moderate tempo or speed. This term sometimes modifies others such as Allegro ...
Grave is the tempo at the beginning of the 1st movement of the “Pathetique” Sonata, Op. 13 by BeethovenLargo: slow and broad (40-60 BPM) Adagio: slow, with great expression (60-70 BPM) Andante: at a walking pace (70-80 BPM) ...