Play Temple Run 2 for free now on Jopi. Temple Run 2 is available to play for free on our website without any downloads.
To play theTemple run 2mega mod apk is not a very big thing. It is a straightforward and easy game. It would help if you swiped the screen upward just to control the jumping. If you swipe towards the down, it is to roll. If you swipe to the right side, then you will move the...
方法/步骤 1 打开Temple Run2,游戏载入,稍等一会 2 游戏载入完成后,进入启动界面,点击【Play】3 游戏开始时主角受到怪兽近距离追赶 4 手指向上划,跳上滑绳,并将手机向右打侧,可以收获金币 5 在转弯处,向右划转弯 6 当有低障碍时,向上划,跳过障碍物 7 沿路跑时,移动到金币所在地方,边跑边收集金...
Temple Run 2 is an endless runner game where players sprint through ancient ruins, avoiding obstacles like collapsing bridges and fire traps. Swipe left, right, up, or down to dodge hazards while being chased by a giant demonic ape. Collect gold coins to unlock power-ups (like speed boosts...
Temple Run 2 for Android已在 Google Play 发布,但不支持中国区域账号下载。@Appinn 在上周发布 iOS 版本的Temple Run 2后,Android 版本如期而至,目前已登陆 Google Play,像青小蛙这样肯折腾的家伙,把 Android 设备 root 后,模拟美国市场就下载到了… ...
- Introducing Temple Pass: There are new ways to play and earn exciting rewards! Check it out now! - Sprint month is here! Increase your speed and double your coins collected! - Dolian the Divine & Fan Jia Ming have joined the run!
Temple Run 2 brought the monkeys back with new game features, levels, characters, and new obstacles, Enjoy Temple Run 2 new adventures and run as far away from the demon monkeys as you can.
Temple Run 2: The Ultimate Endless Runner Adventure Step into the world of Temple Run 2, the best endless runner game where action, strategy, and adventure col…
Temple Run 2 Mod APK – Descending with a rope! Curve with a trolley! Sequel to the hit 3D running game
Anyway, onto how to perform a Temple Run 2 download. How do I download Temple Run 2 on Android? To install Temple Run 2 on Android, you need to pay a visit toGoogle Play, search for the game, visit its page, and then hit the install button. ...