Temple Run 2: The Ultimate Endless Runner Adventure Step into the world of Temple Run 2, the best endless runner game where action, strategy, and adventure col…
1.翅膀:复活,点击画面任何地方两次即可使用,可购买多个备用,每次使用有冷却时间,500金币。 2.游戏开始冲刺:一开始进行游戏,即会出现提示,点击即可自动冲刺1000公尺,2500金币。 ●稀奇成就有难度,挑战胜利成就高 除了收集道具,帮助玩家过关之外,Temple Run也准备了各式各样的成就,收集几千个金币,几千公尺不吃到金币,...
像是加速道具,等于说是无敌状态,自动帮你闪过所有障碍物,推进250米,要特别注意,快结束前还是好好手动闪过障碍物,常常兴奋过头的下场,就是乐极生悲,准备1234再来一次啰! 成就 除了收集道具,帮助玩家过关之外,Temple Run也准备了各式各样的成就,收集几千个金币,几千公尺不吃到金币,达成几十万分,甚至跑个500、1000...
Temple Run 2: Endless EscapeRatings and Reviews 4.5out of 5 479.7K Ratings edcm1234,10/20/2021 Great game, but...it is not designed for the iPad This game is obviously designed to be played on your phone. It works great on small screens, but I like playing on my iPad and it is ...
Temple Run 2: The Ultimate Endless Runner Adventure Step into the world of Temple Run 2, the best endless runner game where action, strategy, and adventure collide! Join millions of players and take on the thrill of running, jumping, and escaping through stunning jungle worlds. Can you surviv...
Temple Run 2: The Ultimate Endless Runner Adventure Step into the world of Temple Run 2, the best endless runner game where action, strategy, and adventure collide! Join millions of players and take on the thrill of running, jumping, and escaping through stunning jungle worlds. Can you surviv...
Temple Run 2: Endless Escape - Apps on Google Play Run, jump, and escape in the ultimate endless jungle adventure game! play.google.com Game Name: Temple Run 2 Game Version: v7.2.0 Needs OBB: No Needs Root: No *MOD Features*
O网页链接【每推亲测】Temple Run:神庙逃亡大结局揭秘:最近微博上传的沸沸扬扬的神庙逃亡大结局,是否真的是重返大城市呢?@App每日推送的小编经过2天2夜的不断狂奔,终于揭晓了5亿分之后的秘密,激动得连爆粗口了,究竟有没有终点,请看大屏幕。讨论地址:O网页链接 ...
本吧热帖: 1-本吧为Templerun系列吧,支持所有旗下游戏 2-[公告]关于撤销 遗落的夏天1234 吧主管理权限的说明
Temple Run 2: Endless Escape Ratings and Reviews 4.5 out of 5 479.7K Ratingsedcm1234 , 10/20/2021 Great game, but...it is not designed for the iPad This game is obviously designed to be played on your phone. It works great on small screens, but I like playing on my iPad and ...