Sex, Intimacy and Relationship Coaching, Education & Healing Arts Therapies, including Tantra and Bodywork, for your Erotic Empowerment.
Another interesting aspect is that the temple concept is a curious mixture of Vedic, Tantric and Agama principles. The Tantra regards the human body as a Mandala; and it is mobile (chara or jangama) Mandala. The Agama shastras regard a temple too as Mandala; and here it is an immobile ...
The Tantric Arts encompasses five areas: Tantric Breathing, Tantric Massage, Tantric Meditation, Tantric Sex and Tantric Yoga. And, of all these, the hardest one to define is the Tantric Massage, as there is no real standard to it. This means therapists who employ the technique may have each...
structure and other aspects with particular reference to the attributes and disposition of the deity to be installed in the temple , do make a mention of the nature and appearances of the Dvarapalas to be placed at different locations in the temple complex. There...
Netzach is assigned the element ofFire. Within the energy of Netzach we can identity this Fire as that of longing, desire and the impetus that coerces the creative urge towards manifestation. Creativity in all of its forms, most particularly the arts and nature’s beauties flow from the refin...
(god or goddess of his liking).VakyaSakti is Parabrahman without attributes; he is the goal of Upasana; ordinary mortals except perfected Yogis cannot realize him. Tantrics worship Vacaka Sakti, the clinical Brahman, Sabdabrahman, Saguna Isvara, Saguna Brahman, Mayabrahman or god with form ...
At Kosenji Temple in Kusatsu Onsen town (Gunma Prefecture), there is mysteriously placed among the other bodhisattva steles, dosojin statues, etc. a very small statue that is almost identical to the dol hareubang or stone grandfather guardians of Cheju I