诞生殿里外墙面上的浮雕、壁画充满着哈托尔哺育幼儿的场景,一般认为,哈托尔怀抱着正在哺乳的小孩是孩童时的法老,后边是其丈夫荷鲁斯神。3、哈托尔神庙(temple of Hathor):是丹德拉神庙最主要的庙宇。这座神庙在同一个地点被修缮,早期的埃及文本...
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendera_Temple_complex https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-africa/magnificent-temple-hathor-goddess-love-best-preserved-temple-all-egypt-007537 https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/hathor-temple
Get more information about Hatshepsut temple facts, where is the temple located. Also, discover how the temple built, and who was designed it.
The Valley Temple of Khafre is part of a legendary land where once the biggest Kings and Pharaohs of Egypt chose to build their burial temples.Many remains have been found in the Valley Temple that mentions the names of Hathor and Bubastis, and also Khafre. Statues of Khafre were discovered...
Hathor was the goddess of love, joy and beauty. This temple is situated in Dendara city, north of Luxor about 45 km from Luxor. Know More!
It’s also known as the Temple of Hathor and Nefertari. The rock-cut façade of the temple is decorated with two groups of colossi that are separated by the large gateway. Alignment of the Sun with the Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel The larger temple is aligned with the sun, so ...
deitySobek, patron of fertility and accompanied withHathorandKhonsu, while in the northern part of the temple was consecrated to the falcon deityHorusthe Elder (Haroeris) the protector of thePharaohsand Egypt. It was also built to confirm the ptolemies sovereignty and supremacy over the entire ...