母亲对她耐心教导从未放弃,姨妈对她细心关爱宽容鼓励,科学老师发现她的与众不同与特长之处,朋友们让她明白“different,butnotless”,原本的世界也让Temple害怕和紧张,但正是这些人对她的关心与鼓励,让她有勇气去打开一扇扇新世界的大门。 在其他父母的请求下,Temple接过了话筒,上台分享自己的经历。 …… 现实中...
- Different, not less.只是不同,而非差于别人。- Where do they go?他们去哪里了?- I don't know. Heaven, maybe. Somewhere.不知道。也许是天堂,或者其他地方。Temple, when animals and people die, they stay with us in our minds. We can still see them.Temple,当人们和动物死去时,它们会留在...
《temple grandin》阿斯伯格综合症AS?自闭症autism? 这部电影叫 《自闭历程》(个人认为这个译名实在欠妥)但是其实,女主人公得的 并不是 准确意义上的 自闭症(又称孤独症)而是阿斯伯格综合症(AS)。(阿斯伯格综合症,是一种主要以社会交往困难,局限而异常的兴趣行为模式为特征的神经系统发育障碍性疾病。)阿斯伯格综合症,...
左:Temple本人,右:影片中的Temple “different,but not less” 你不是比别人差,你只是不一样 ——摘自影片《自闭历程》 部分引用|来自电影《自闭历程》/Temple Grandin TED演讲《The word needs all kinds of minds》 图片|源自网络 编辑|开星果 因为孤独症,Temple有着非常独立的世界,很多事情她无法理解但努力...
8.3 2018作者 孤独症大脑53 8.4 2016作者 Improving Animal Welfare,2nd Edition12015作者 Drawing Autism32014作者 Temple Grandin02014作者 Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals, Second Edition02013作者 Different . . . Not Less22012作者 The Way I See It, Revised and Expanded 2nd Edition02011作者 ...
《Temple Grandin》观后感 ——You are different,but not less. My name is Temple Grandin,I am not like other people.i think in pictures and I connect them.这是在电影开篇语中女主角的介绍,我非常喜欢这句话,自闭症患者只是和其他人不同的一个群体。这部电影是以Temple Grandin教授的自传为蓝本所拍摄...
….Temple:Touching myself’s okay.Doctor:But when the squeeze machine touches you,it feels better?Temple:Yes.Doctor:It give you release?…Temple:Yes,there is release.In Boarding SchoolDr.Carlock:And trust me,we know how different she is.Mother:Different,not less.Dr.Carlock:Temple.You have ...
Temple Grandin《自闭历程(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,我叫天宝·葛兰汀 My name is Temple Grandin. 我跟别人不同 Im not like other people. 我用图形思考,并连接它们 I think in pictures and I connect them. 导演:米克·杰克逊 主演:克莱尔·丹尼斯 片名:自
Different ... Not Less - (Inspiring Stories of Achievement and Successful Employment from Adults with Autism) By Dr. Temple Grandin Fourteen individuals over the age of 50, who were never diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum, tell their stories. Successful individuals on the spectrum descr...
Temple Grandin It is important to select bulls that have good feet and legs so that they produce fed cattle that will be less likely to become lame. From the Corral: Hacking eventualities 06.28.2023 By Dr. Temple Grandin Plant engineers need to look at all their mechanical equipment ...