条款41:Understand implicit interfaces and compile-time polymorphism.classes和templates都支持接口(interfaces)和多态(polymorphism)。 对classes而言接口是显式的(explicit),以函数签名为中心。多态则是通过virtual函数发生于运行期。 对template参数而言,接口是隐式的(implicit),奠基于有效表达式。多态则是通过template具现...
模板与泛型编程 Templates and Generic Programming C++模板的最初设计目的是建立类型安全的容器如vector,list和map。后来发现模板有能力完成越来越多可能的变化。后面就出现了泛型编程,写出的代码和其所处理的对象类型彼此独立。STL算法如for_each,find和merge就是这类编程的成果。后面发现它可以被用来计算任何可计算的值...
Chapter 9 Templates. GenericProgramming. and STLiragodnPLTmS.• 9.1 Template Class stack• 9.2 Function Templates• 9.2.1 Signature Matching andOverloading• 9.3 Class Templates containers iterator function sorting overloading Generic Programming and the STL(Standard Template Library) 该书以c++...
At the implementation level, the primary difference is that C# generic type substitutions are performed at runtime and generic type information is thereby preserved for instantiated objects. For more information, see Generics in the Runtime (C# Programming Guide).The following are the key differences...
More recently, proposals for Java Generics are close to being accepted and are included in the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition (J2SE), Version 1.5. I rank support for generic programming as one of the most important attributes of modern programming languages, particularly considering the precise and...
I'm closing out this series of columns on generic programming in the Microsoft® .NET Framework by showing how templates and generics do and do not work together, and pointing out a pitfall with the current implementation of templates under Visual C++® 2005. I've chosen to present t...
18.6 泛型编程 Generic Programming 静态多态引起了泛型编程的concept。然而,没有一个广泛接受的泛型编程定义(就像没有一个广泛接受的面向对象编程的定义)。根据[CzarneckiEiseneckerGenProg],泛型编程为用一个通用的参数来找到最抽象的算法表述。这本书是这么总结的: 泛型编程… ...
C++/CLI supports two type parameter mechanisms—common language runtime (CLR) generics and C++ templates. In my last column, I looked at the characteristics that these two mechanisms have in common (see Pure C++: Generic Programming Under .NET). In this column, I'll look at some of the ...
14.4 Explain the difference between templates in C++ and generics in Java. 在Java中,泛式编程Generic Programming的实现是通过一种就做类型擦除Type Erasure的机制来实现的。当源码转为Java虚拟机JVM的字节代码时擦除参数的类型,例如下面的例子: Vector<String> vector =newVector<String>(); ...
5.5.2 Generic Lambdas and Member Templates/泛型Lambda与成员模板 5.6 Variable Templates/变量模板 5.7 Template Template Parameters/模板的模板参数 5.8 Summary/小结 6 Move Semantics and enable_if<> 第6章 移动语义与enable_if<> 6.1 Perfect Forwarding/完美转发 6.2 Special Member Function Templates/特殊...