Canva is a free web graphic tool you can use to compose documents such as resumes, cards, concept maps, and other diagrams. The free version of Canva is widely used to create conceptual designs. There is a variety of templates you can choose...
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麥當勞、星巴克、肯德基範例 [附Canva簡報PPT模板]【推薦原因】正在深入探討企業競爭策略、波特的五力分析的你,如果還不清楚五力分析是什麼、有什麼目的,這篇文章將帶你了解!本文將介紹波特五力分析的每一項,並透過麥當勞、星巴克、肯德基等知名企業的實例,呈現理論在實際市場中的應用。想要完成你的五力分析報告,看這篇...
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