Version 3.1.0 of nf-core/tools has just been released with updates to the nf-core template. This automated pull-request attempts to apply the relevant updates to this pipeline. Please make sure to ...
When you have created the bundle template, you are ready to export it to a bundle jar. Specify the file system path in which to save the bundle jar. The maximum size of a bundle jar is 2GB. Use thebdb.b.expcommand to export a bundle template to a bundle jar: This command takes th...
str_count(string = fruit, pattern = 'a|b') ##含有除了字母a和b之外其他任意字符的个数 str_count(string = fruit, pattern = '[ab]') str_count(string = fruit, pattern = c('a', 'b', 'p', 'p')) str_count(string = fruit, pattern = c('a', 'b', 'p', 'c', 'd')) 1....
为了方便 Java 开发者使用 Redis,Spring 提供了 RedisTemplate jar 包,通过这个包可以方便地对 Redis 进行操作。 RedisTemplate 简介 RedisTemplate 是 Spring 对 Redis 的操作模板类,提供了一系列的操作方法,包括字符串、列表、集合、有序集合等数据结构的操作。通过 RedisTemplate,我们可以方便地连接 Redis 数据库,...
VERSION_2_3_23); // 打包成jar包使用的路径 String tempPath = Paths.get(Constant.TEMPLATE_DIR_NAME).toFile().getName(); // 在项目运行的模板路径 // String tempPath = // Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(Constant.TEMPLATE_DIR_NAME).getFile(); config.setDirectory...
With .jar file: Install MySQL DataBase and set it up Download the newest release from GitHub Open the .zip file in some folder and extract: Quiz.jar and run.bat Double click run.bat !!! IMPORTANT !!! Please read LICENSE before using this program ...
写了一个SpringBoot+Thyemelaf的项目,并不是前后端分离。今天想放到linux服务器上玩玩,打成jar包,然后一运行他妈居然报错了,报了一个Template(模板)什么找不到/xxx/xxx文件的错。 这错误一看就是Thyemelaf的锅。 百度了一下,别人博客说引用模板文件时不能用“/”打头,还真他妈是那么回事,然后在controller里返...
import freemarker.template.utility.StandardCompress; import freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil; import freemarker.template.utility.XmlEscape; /** * The main entry point into the FreeMarker API; encapsulates the configuration settings of FreeMarker, * also serves as a central template-loading and ...
As always, stick to our version of the tried-and-trueKISS method(Keep It Simple, Stupid), and remember, there’s only one goal – you’ve found a bug, and now it’s time to put that bug in a conveniently sized jar. We’ll show you what our “jar” looks like. ...
Errorresolvingtemplate[goods/selectByPrimaryKey],templatemightnotexistormightnotbeaccessiblebyanyoftheconfiguredTemplateResolvers 看到其他人说配置视图解析器,一顿配置,这里比较懒,不考虑数据交互问题的话就直接加注解。 错误原因 springboot整合thymeleaf报Error resolving template [xx]的解决办法 ...