InquirePriceRenewDisks ModifyDisksAttribute ModifyDisksRenewFlag DescribeDisks TerminateDisks Key APIs AssociateInstancesKeyPairs CreateKeyPair DeleteKeyPairs DescribeInstanceLoginKeyPairAttribute DescribeKeyPairs DisassociateInstancesKeyPairs ImportKeyPair ModifyInstancesLoginKeyPairAttribute CCN APIs AttachCcn Describe...
The headings contained herein are for convenience of reference only and are not intended to define, limit or describe the scope or intent of any provision of this Agreement. 10. NOTICES Any notice required or permitted herein shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered or mailed first...
According to STUDY, SERVICE 1, SERVICE 2, and SERVICE 3 can lead to PERCENT% improvements in revenue and PERCENT% increase in customer retention. By working with [Sender.Company] to implement these strategies, you can achieve better results with less work on the part of your staff. If you...
(as defined below) to the Supplier pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. These terms and conditions shall apply to all Orders for Products in response to which the Supplier provides the Products to the Customers of the Vendor to the exclusion of any other terms ...
The Instructions Are Complicated:It is natural for people to take the easier route. So, if your employee notices that the instructions and processes are too complicated, they might try to cut corners. Humans have a tendency to choose the path that requires less effort and the least resistance...
When can the landlord increase the rent? Optional clauses Can the tenant break the tenancy before its end? If so: What is the break date? How much notice must the tenant give the landlord to end the tenancy early? To what address should the tenant’s notices be sent? Can the land...
This power shall include the power to (i) sign contracts of sale and documents to transfer title (including bills of sale), and (ii) accept a security interest for any unpaid portion of the purchase price. This power shall include the power to (i) obtain credit upon such terms as ...
Lease non-renewal notices work just like a 2-week work notice. As a tenant, the information you would include in the letter will notify the landlord that they can place the property back on the market for other interested renters. Providing early notice will give your landlord time to find...
review times (greater than +/- 5%), the price will be reviewed immediately. Both parties will mutually agree to the price change in writing and add the change to this contract. Supplier will use its best efforts to eliminate increase in material cost by negotiating strategically with its ...
New Contract Price $ $ $ […INSERT EITHER “Increase/Decrease”…] $ $ $ Table 1: Financial Variation Contract Change Preparation Costs (OPTIONAL) 2. […INSERT DETAILS OF PREPARATION COSTS…] Explanation of Change (CORE) 3. […INSERT EXPLANATION OF CHANGE…] ...