Create and use templates in Outlook If you are fed up with editing the same email over and over again, there is a way for you to get rid of this annoying repeat by using Outlook templates. You can enhance your work efficiency while using you created templates. The following instruction wil...
Unlock ultimate email efficiency with Kutools for Outlook! Access 70 powerful features absolutely free, forever. Download the Free Version Now! 1. In the Mail view, please click Home > New Items > More Items > Choose Form. See screenshot: 2. In the Choose Form dialog box, please (1) se...
Subscription Statistic Outlook (SubscriptionStatisticsOutlook) Subscription Sync Entry Offline (SubscriptionSyncEntryOffline) Subscription Sync Entry Outlook (SubscriptionSyncEntryOutlook) supportusertable Synapse Database (synapsedatabase) Synapse Link External Table State (synapselinkexternaltablestate) Synapse Lin...
Send an e-mail message based upon a template 使用电子邮件模板发送包含不会在邮件中更改的信息的邮件。 可以撰写消息并将其保存为模板,然后随时重复使用它,并根据需要添加新信息。 这些说明假定你已创建并保存消息模板。 有关创建邮件模板的说明,请参阅创建电子邮件模板。 这些说明假定你已创...
HTML template lists ranges from simple ones to custom complex templates. With custom HTML Email template design and integration service, we can integrate the Email Template to an array of Email Clients including Apple Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird, Google Mail, AOL webmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail & ...
1. Open Outlook online in your browser and sign in. BTW, you can import your existing templates into our brand-newShared Email Templates As it was mentioned in the comment above, the Template Phrases app may not work corr...
As far as I know, there is no direct way to convert a ".emltpl" file to a ".oft" file, as they are different formats used by Outlook for Mac and Outlook for Windows, respectively. Please kindly understand that many functions are not designed at present. To get this fea...
會傳回或設定String值,代表要套用至MailItem之範本檔案的 GUID,以便指定資訊版權管理 (IRM) 許可權。 讀取/寫入。 語法 expression。PermissionTemplateGuid 表達代表MailItem 物件的變數。 註解 此屬性可補充MailItem物件上的 IRM 屬性;也就是 Permission 屬性和PermissionService屬性。
例如,如果未设置任何 IRM(在这种情况下 Permission 属性为 OlPermission.olUnrestricted),或者限制为不转发 MailItem(在这种情况下 Permission 属性为 OlPermission.olDoNotForward)。如果尝试为收到的邮件设置 PermissionTemplateGuid 属性, (即 MailItem 的Sent 属性为 True),Microsoft Outlook 将返回错误。
Outlook 中的 AI 郵件助理:更聰明的回覆、更清楚的溝通(一鍵魔法!)免費 使用Kutools for Outlook 的 AI Mail Assistant 簡化您的日常 Outlook 任務。這個強大的工具可以從您過去的電子郵件中學習,提供智慧且準確的回复,優化您的電子郵件內容,並幫助您輕鬆起草和完善訊息。