Alchemist‡Artificer†—DogBarbarianBardCleric Apo—Bom—VChAT—BE—RMFB—OS—RavSB2—SS—St1—WCDA1—DD—RS2—War Druid—WolfFighterFavored Soul†MonkPaladin BC1—NW—NP2—SH Dra1—Ken2—Rav1—StD—Van2 AoV—BoH—War HeM—NiS—Shi ...
Protecting these weenies, could very well fall into the charge of Orim, Samite healer, the Legend, which counted as a Cleric and unlike the basic Samite healer, could prevent not one, but three damage to any creature or player. In fact, Orim was responsible for one of the more ...