Tempest 4000’s 4K visuals are a treat on the Switch. But with the game’s busy backdrops and acid-trip graphical effects, you’d be hard-pressed to notice any difference in fidelity from the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC versions. Unfortunately, the game’s camera remains non-assistiv...
It is easy to compare the originalTempesttoSpace Invaders, but the structure ofTempestfeels immediately more engaging. The simple switch of enemies coming towards the screen instead approaching from the top down is instantly more compelling.Tempestalso had interesting pacing, changing up stage layouts ...
switch《暴风雨4000 Tempest 4000》英文版下载。这是一款很复古的射击游戏,为玩家带来的是和经典街机游戏类似的风格和玩法,快节奏的射击内容相信大家一定会喜欢,赶快来体验一下吧。 《暴风雨4000》是一款有着令人眼前一亮画面的,包含动作要素的“管道射击游戏”,游戏是基于经典的街机游戏《暴风雨》制作的。 《暴风雨...
Tempest 4000 is the next in the llama-centric developer’s vector shooter lineage, and despite being around since 2018, Atari and Llamasoft are once again allowing gamers to get their vector fix on the move, bringing the same timeless psychedelic action to Nintendo Switch. The core principle ...
Tempest 4000 是一款基于经典热门街机游戏 Tempest 的视觉震撼、动感十足的电子管射击游戏。由传奇游戏设计师 Jeff Minter 开发的 Tempest 4000 仍然忠实于原始的快节奏游戏玩法,让您控制 Claw,这是一种强大的航天器,可通过充满活力的几何棱镜上的快速射击来摧毁致命的生物和其他障碍物。 拥有梦幻般的图形环境、100 ...
《even if TEMPEST 連綴之時的拂曉》繁中版預定2025年1月16日推出! 發行商JOYOLAND宣佈,株式會社voltage人氣黑暗奇幻Nintendo Switch™乙女遊戲《even if TEMPEST 黃昏中魔女如是說》FD續作《even if TEMPEST ...
發行商JOYOLAND宣佈,株式會社Voltage人氣黑暗奇幻Nintendo Switch™乙女遊戲《even if TEMPEST 黃昏中魔女如是說》DLC亞洲繁體中文版,計劃於2025年發售。本作是以「魔女審判」「靈魂回溯」為主題的黑暗奇幻乙女遊戲,也是Voltage第一部原創Nintendo Switch™作品。經各位實力派創作者傾力打造,以其精美的世界觀、深刻的...
“Modern home consoles are the descendants of arcade gaming,” said Jeff Minter, Executive Producer of Tempest 4000 and founder of Llamasoft. “We wanted to bring the classic arcade experience into players’ homes, so both franchise legacy fans and new gamers can test their mettle.” ...
PS4《Tempest 4000》pkg下载。一款由雅达利制作发行的经典街机游戏《暴风雨》的续作。游戏保持了原始的快节奏游戏游戏体验,并且加入了新的功能和华丽的图像表现。三个游戏模式与100个关卡等你挑战。 《暴风雨4000(Tempest 4000)》是一款由雅达利制作发行的经典街机游戏《暴风雨》(1981年发售)的“视觉效果震撼”并且“...
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