February 15, 2016 at 4:35 pm Use turkey temps for poultry other then chicken. Chicken needs to cook more thoroughly because the meat is separated and allows pathogens to seep into the deep tissue of the meat, other fowl do not have the same issue and can be treated like turkey except...
(Turkey), M. Usman Bashir from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (Pakistan), S. Soufizadeh from Shahid Beheshti University (Iran), and J. Lorgeou and J-C. Deswarte from ARVALIS—Institut du Végétal (France) for assistance with selecting key locations and quantifying regional crop ...
Lentil is a pulse that is eaten around the world [1]. It is a pulse crop that has been used in agriculture for much of human history. Canada produces 33% of the world’s lentils, whereas India produces 25%. Other important countries include the United States, Turkey, Nepal, Australia, ...
Experimental evidence is used to estimate H2O contents in low-MgO high-alumina basalts (HABs) (<6 wt.% MgO) and basaltic andesites (BAs) (<5 wt.% MgO) that occur worldwide in magmatic arcs. Wholerock compositions of low-MgO HABs and BAs, phenocryst assemblages, and mineral chemistry mat...
You can interpret variability over land as the driver of the ups and downs seen in the global graph. There are four years from 1976 onwards when the land was below average; the last time the land temperature was cool enough for the globe to be at or below average was February 1985. The...
Field Crops Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Isparta, Turkey Arif Şanlı & Tahsin Karadoğan Corresponding author Correspondence to Arif Şanlı. Additional information Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims...
StateHydraulicWorks,8thRegionalDirectorate,25100,Erzurum,Turkey abstractarticleinfo Articlehistory: Received2January2012 Accepted4February2013 Keywords: Calciumnitrate Concretecompressivestrength Coldweatherconcreting Antifreezeadmixture BasedonACI306R-10,theminimumtemperaturenecessaryformaintainingconcretehydrationandstrength...
Research conducted on various mountain cities in Europe, Morocco, Turkey, and Lebanon in 2011 indicated that projected NAO trends could lead to increased winter modes and a decrease in the number of cold winters during the 21st century, due to the influence of global warming [61]. The direct...
Thus, similarities to the multiyear winter bias of the tn (Figure 6) could be found: colder, therefore overestimated FD in the bigger part of the domain. Similarly, the hot spots of positive bias of the tx over east Ukraine and Turkey as well as negative bias over the north Black Sea ...
Similar multiple linear regressions were found during the daytime in Istanbul and Zonguldak in Turkey [39,63]; Jinan [36], Fuzhou [7] and Guangzhou [52] in China in the spring or autumn; and Beijing in China in the summer [14]. The explanation rates were lower during the daytime than...