In Spain and Italy, the temperature rose to 46℃. Many European countries and Japan have warned about the heat. They advised people to stay in the shade and drink plenty of water. The UN weather agency has warned Europe's heatwave could continue for another month. A spokesperson for the ...
In order to provide a dynamic correlation, the average monthly high temperatures and deaths numbers data were compared for the months of March (start of the analysis and beginning of local epidemic in most of the Western World) with the month of April. Except in Italy, which started at the...
We find that extreme heat causes an increase in deliveries on the day of exposure and on the following day and show that the additional births were accelerated by up to two weeks. We estimate that an average of 25,000 infants per year were born earlier as a result of heat exposure, ...
Over the past month, olive oil production areas such as Italy, Greece and Croatia wereaffectedby exceptionallylow temperaturesand snow at low altitudes. Apulian olive groves at sea level have been whitened by snowdrifts for days. ...
Measured temperatures were used to calibrate a model of a densely populated neighborhood in Rome inputted in ENVI-met software. The actual temperature field was evaluated in comparison with proposed areas consisting in the adoption of high albedo pavements application. Simulation results showed a ...
In Italy, temperatures could reach record-breaking levels. Sardinia and Sicily are expected to be close to the current European temperature record of 48.8 degrees Celsius (nearly 120 Fahrenheit), according to the ESA. People cool off at Piazza del Popolo in Rome on July 10. Antonio Masiello/...
The impact of summer heatwaves on the mortality of people over 65 years of age was examined by D’Ippoliti et al. [24]. Heatwaves in nine European cities, including Athens along with four other Mediterranean cities (Barcelona, Milan, Rome, and Valencia) and four continental cities (...
The effects of heat on health have been well documented, while less is known about the effects among agricultural workers. Our aim is to estimate the effects and impacts of heat on occupational injuries in the agricultural sector in Italy. Occupational i
Measured temperatures were used to calibrate a model of a densely populated neighborhood in Rome inputted in ENVI-met software. The actual temperature field was evaluated in comparison with proposed areas consisting in the adoption of high albedo pavements application. Simulation results showed a ...
Zinzia M. and Carnielo E. 2017. Impact of urban temperatures on energy performance and thermal comfort in residential buildings. The case of Rome, Italy, Energy and Buildings, In pressZinzi, M.; Carnielo, E. Impact of urban temperatures on energy performance and thermal comfort in ...