Hawaii's highest-ever rainfall came in late January of 1956 in Kilauea, Kauai. In April 2018, heavy rainfalls devastated the island of Kauai once again as dozens of homes were left in shambles in the island's towns, including Hanalei, Wainiha, Haena, and Anahola. Thefloods affected532 ho...
administrative changesto anomaly values are quite often introduced, even for observations several years back in time. Some changes may be due to the delayed addition of new station data, while others probably have their origin in a change of technique to calculate average values. It is clearly i...
"Tropical cyclones can often form further west in the basin and remain stronger longer and so potential impacts to Hawaii are increased," Gottschalck said. This means "more chances of landfall and remotely driven impacts, such as stronger and longer duration seas, heavy rainfall, and more." E...
- Chances of hitting an animal in 2023: 1 in 250 (0.40% of drivers) - Risk level: Low #43. Connecticut Jennifer Yakey-Ault // Shutterstock #43. Connecticut - Chances of hitting an animal in 2023: 1 in 231 (0.43% of drivers) - Risk level: Low #42. New Mexico Joseph Sohm // S...
Mass concrete considerations due to the high heat of hydration are more acute in Hawaii because the local concrete mixes are very rich in cement content due to the angularity of the local crushed aggregates and the lack of cost-effective secondary cementitious materials (slag or structural quality...
The figure was developed using the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT, https://www.soest.hawaii. edu/gmt/). Full size image Differences in regression slopes based on rainfall duration and climatic zones show relatively less negative regression slopes for 3-hourly rainfall extremes from TRMM (Fig. 1f)....
21NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, Institute for Astronomy, 640 North A'ohoku Place, Hilo, Hawaii 96822, USA. {Deceased. 196 ©2008 Nature Publishing Group NATURE | Vol 453 | 8 May 2008 LETTERS south sample almost the same vertical temperature structure as do measurements directly at the ...
“The idea for the project was born when I was an undergraduate research assistant at the University of Hawaii at Manoa under Dr. Henrietta Dulai. At UH, we implemented autonomous radon monitoring techniques in a coastal pond to investigate submarine groundwater discharge.” ...
Unlike La Niña, El Niño tends to reduce Atlantic hurricane activity but creates the opposite effect in the Pacific, where warm waters can fuel more intense typhoons. "Tropical cyclones can often form further west in the basin and remain stronger longer and so potential impacts to Haw...
Earth and Space 2010: 12th International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments: March 14–17, 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USABar-Cohen Y., X. Bao, J. Scott, S. Sherrit, S. Widholm, M. Badescu T Shrout and B. Jones, "Drilling at high...