This view shows the thin crescent moon setting over ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. As well as the bright crescent, the rest of the disc of the moon can be faintly seen. This phenomenon, called Earthshine, is due to sunlight reflecting off Earth and illuminating the lunar surface...
The world has now marked one full year of back-to-back monthlyheat records, the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service announced on Wednesday. It said last month was the hottest May in recorded history — the 12th consecutive month in which the monthly high temperature record was b...
Alfaro-Tapia A, Alvarez-Baca JK, Tougeron K, Lavandero B, Le Lann C, Van Baaren J (2022) Overwintering strategies and life-history traits of different populations of Aphidius platensis along a latitudinal gradient in Chile. Entomol Gen 42:127–145.
could experience warmer than usual temperatures through August, September and October 2024.NOAAThe three-month forecast comes as a La Niña watch is in effect. Weather officials announced the end of El Niño in June and said La Niña is forecast to develop at some point over the next sev...
Arsenic, antimony and bismuth are commonly found in copper concentrates usually as the minerals enargite, stibnite and bismuthinite, respectively. Concentrates having high levels of arsenic and antimony must be pretreated before smelting. Roasting is the preferred method for removing these toxic impurit...
The parameter β1 is of more interest and can be interpreted as the t-unit increment in X is to multiply the expected value of Y by etβ1. In this model, xi is an independent variable denoting the average temperature of a month of the ith country, whereas the response variable Yij ...
month exceeds the 85th percentile IVT for the 3-month period centered on that month. A fixed lower limit of 150 kg m−1 s−1is also imposed. Contiguous regions of grid cells with IVT values above the percentile threshold and fixed lower limit are isolated and labeled. An AR ...
We all know this summer was late, we know the melt was short in the Arctic and the freeze is early. We all know the data is being railroaded, stuffed into a blender and candy-coated with hot sauce and injected into a GCM computer to present at Copenhagen. Isn’t that special?
Grapevine buds, like the buds of most temperate fruit trees, require a certain amount of chilling during the winter in order to emerge homogeneously in spring. This phenomenon is referred to as the chilling requirement (CR). The underlying mechanism of C
Global average temperatures include both land and sea surface readings. And while oceans were cooling off a tad, global land temperatures in September still set a record high, NOAA climate scientist Jessica Blunden said. It was an unusually hot month in much of Europe, Asia, Africa and North ...