AG Whittington,AM Hofmeister,PI Nabelek 摘要: The thermal evolution of planetary crust and lithosphere is largely governed by the rate of heat transfer by conduction. The governing physical properties are thermal diffusivity (kappa) and conductivity (k = kapparhoC(P)), where rho denotes density ...
英汉互译(20%1. I am going to wait for a bus.2. Does he have a temperature, doctor?3. He cannot get up for about two hours each day, but you must keep the room warm.4. Here is another piece of paper.5. Can you tell me the way to the bus station, please?6.我们的村庄在...
L. Where and when do species interactions set range limits? Trends Ecol. Evol. 30, 780–792 (2015). Article PubMed Google Scholar Barbarossa, V. et al. Threats of global warming to the world’s freshwater fishes. Nat. Commun. 12, 1701 (2021). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central ADS...
where \(\theta\) is the probability of zero outcome (i.e., no excretion), (1 - \(\theta\)) is the probability of positive outcome (i.e., excretion), and logNCDF is the cumulative distribution function for the lognormal distribution of the non-hurdle part. The hurdle probability of ...
female-biased populations are produced in the early spawning period while male-biased populations are produced later and the change in sex ratio with temperature is greater at low latitudes where the breeding and growing seasons are longer than at high latitudes where the breeding and growing seasons...
These elastic waves travel through the specimens towards the boundary where they are observed as an acoustic event and are captured by the acoustic emission (AE) machine with the help of sensors attached to the boundary surface of the specimen or the base of the loading frame (Hardy, 1977; ...
We identify overall hotspots of extremes, which are regions where the tail of the temperature distribution (above 99th percentile) warms at a faster rate than the rest of the temperature distribution in response to mean global warming increase. For monthly maximum temperatures, Central Europe, ...
whereumaxis the maximum suction (kPa),vwis the molar volume of water (0.000018 m3/mol),Ris the universal gas constant (8.31432 J/mol/K),Tis the absolute temperature in Kelvin,cis the BET equilibrium constant of the soil (dimensionless) that related to the enthalpy of sorption for the first...
i and iii show the root tip, and ii and iv show the region of the root where NTL8 accumulated during the 4-week cold period. NTL8 is maintained at those high levels after transfer to warm (ii), due to limited further growth in that region, and persists there after transfer back to...
If xn and yn are similar, then the largest element in R is located at the shift value where the elements of x and y best match; otherwise, R is a null matrix. Using the cross-correlation function, we can find the best overlapping barcode and derive the actual temperature by taking ...